The Construction Material Pyramid

The interactive web-based tool makes it possible to compare CO2 footprints between different categories of materials or between material types within the same category.

The Construction Material Pyramid is an interactive web-based tool to compare and visualize the environmental impacts associated with the production of different material categories. It helps visualize different kinds of environmental impacts, such as CO footprints, ozone depletion, acidification and eutrophication potential across various materials. 

For a list of low embodied carbon materials that meet the Healthy Materials Lab’s rigorous evaluation for material health and low embodied carbon, please see our collection: Low-Embodied Materials

Using the Construction Material Pyramid, note that healthier materials options with biogenic properties tend to have lower embodied carbon and are at the bottom of the pyramid compared to synthetics chemical and energy-intensive metals at the top. Both from a health and regeneration standpoint, materials which sequester carbon such as cork, timber, and hemp are preferable. Products sourced locally will assist in a lower carbon footprint as well as prioritizing reuse and retrofit. For spec guidance on low-embodied materials and other material categories, visit our vetted Materials Collections

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