
HML Website

What exactly does health mean to different people, and how do we make a website that will serve as an effective tool for a diverse group of designers, developers, affordable housing residents, manufacturers, contractors, and anyone looking to pursue material health initiatives?

The Healthy Materials Lab’s new website promotes transparency and advocates for an industry wide change in the material specification process. The goal of the website is to situate human health considerations as central to material specification. The new website collects and curates a library of resources, including new content generated by HML, and is the virtual counterpart to the Parsons Donghia Materials Library physical collection of materials.  By consolidating these resources into a simple online interface, the site increases accessibility and facilitates the practical implementation of healthier building practices.

We forefront easy navigation and search functions to enable users to access concise information and navigate to their specific needs. The simple text is complemented by intuitive graphics, first person narratives and stories, and suggestions for related content throughout. The interconnections created between subjects emphasize the systemic nature of complex topics and allow users to easily access information.

As the site grows and evolves, we will develop additional tools and add more useful information. Feel free to email us with any comments or suggestions.

↑  Glossary