
How to Add Your Certificate to LinkedIn

Share your accomplishment on your LinkedIn profile by adding the course to your credentials in just five easy steps. Here’s how:

  1. Scroll down to the “Education” section on your profile. Depending on your settings this may be anywhere on your profile but it usually features prominently in the first two sections.
  2. Click the “+” icon
  3. Add Parsons School of Design - The New School as well as the year. In the “Field of Study” box, enter the name of the program - Healthier Materials and Sustainable Buildings and the year the program was completed.
  4. If the course or training is an important topic for potential employers, consider writing a description that is focused on how your training helped you advance your skills and accomplish personal and company goals or include the description below:

    This 4-course online learning program explains the relationship between building materials and the human body and how the choices we make as designers can change people’s lives. The first course in the program gives an introduction to human health and the effects of toxics on our bodies, material basics and what contributes to indoor environment air quality. Course 2 presents toxicity and hazards and the impact of green chemistry on innovation in the chemical industry. Course 3 outlines the paths to designing healthier built environments, from defining health and project goals to finding healthier products. Finally, in Course 4 the discussion surrounds the creation of a framework to facilitate the implementation and execution of healthier products, enabling change making and changemakers!

  5. Click “Save”.

The course will now show in your Education description beside your other qualifications and educational achievements.

*Note: Enable the “Share with Network” button so your connections are aware of this update to your education.

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