August 20, 2015

What is in Your Water?

The Green Science Policy Institute publishes an informative newsletter every month with stories focused on increasing awareness around chemicals of concern, green science, policy and human health.

This months newsletter reported on a recent study which found that C8 causes adverse health effects at very low concentrations. According to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) report, the EPA’s current safety standard may be as much as 1000 times too high to protect health.

As part of its Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule 3 (UCMR3) program, the EPA has been testing public drinking water for levels of C8 and other fluorinated chemicals. According to the EWG report, C8 was detected in 94 public water systems in 27 states - providing water to more than 6.5 million people - at levels between 5 and 137 times higher than the safe level estimated by EWG. EWG’s interactive map will show if your community’s water might have been tested and whether or not C8 was found.

Everyone deserves access to clean water. A greater understanding of the entry points of highly fluorinated chemicals into consumer products can support us in making informed decisions to reduce harmful exposure. Reach out to if you have an questions.

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